
    “Shala de David”, international artist recognized by UNESCO, and a member of the Venezuelan Association of Artists AVAP, and University of La Sorbonne, Paris, France. A Life of Colors is presented to you in many pieces of art, acrylic over canvas.

 Shala de David is a newborn in the world of art. She is like a cat, her life as an artist is the seventh or eighth of a succession of amazing experiences:

  She obtained degrees in Math and Science, Cardio Pulmonary diseases’s treatments, Contract law and International Relations in USA, Public Relations in London, and Art in Paris. She traveled, crossed and zigzagged throughout North and South Americas, Asia, Africa, ME and EU, while working and learning over 7 languages.

  On her way, she contributed: in setting up high-tech hospitals in the Middle East; small clinics and carpet factories in remote Kurdish areas of Turkey with Cap Anamur; as institutional relations on political refugee’s issues with UNHCR, CARITAS and embassies, as contracts engineer in the energy industry, as a communication officer in private and public companies in various countries. Was the first woman to spend the night in offshore oil installations in the Middle East, and a journalist to dare into disturbed areas, while her photographs have been published in many magazines.

  It is of no coincidence that, she finally found her way to pursue a new vocation as an artist in Venezuela, inspired by the natural wonders of the country. Attracted to the cultures and arts of the world, started translating on the canvas, her experiences and perceptions of the world, built over a life of nomadic and exploratory endeavors, and its Colors of Life.